• YOGA
    • A method to build great strength, calm, and flexibility in all ages. The practice of yoga is and has been one of the great additions to modern mainstream conditioning. Using the gentle and powerful positions practitioners have seen and noted incredible results in mental, physical and spiritual health.

      La Rinconada offers three classes to bring more variation and options to members. It really is for everyone! We hope to grow yoga so the diversity of our membership will gain the benefit of participation. The art of yoga is to stretch individuals in a healthy and positive way. We are pleased to announce the addition of Power Flow Yoga. Power Flow Yoga is intended to improve flexibility, strength, and stamina; provide healing; improve weight loss; and assist in relaxation. It is a vigorous flowing style of yoga intended to make you sweat while you move through the motions.

      Yoga classes are offered in the mornings Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 – 10:15 a.m.. This consistent schedule allows members more class options and offerings at a specific time to eliminate excuses. For those who need the quiet soulful peace, or muscle burning stretches, yoga has healing and fitness powers for all ages and fitness levels. There is a monthly fee for unlimited access to the yoga classes which allows us to bring in amazing instructors!

      See this excellent recent article from the Harvard Medical Publication regarding the benefits of yoga. “More than a stretch: Yoga’s benefits may extend to the heart”, April, 15, 2015.

      A great photo of Yoga Instructor Reeni

    • /pi"la:ti:z/. Noun. 1. A system of gentle exercise performed lying down that stretches and lengthens the muscles, designed to improve posture, flexibility, etc.. Named ater Joesph Pilates (1880 - 1967), its German inventor. Contemporary definition: noun; a method of physical and mental exercise involving stretches and breathing that focus on strengthing the abdominal core.
      See this great article on 12 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Pilates.
      Please click on the link to see our entire fitness schedule for the studio.

1. Question – How much for Unlimited Yoga & Pilates?

Monthly Fee is $135. Currently 5 classes a week. Soon to be 6 including a Saturday session.

2. Is there a Drop In Fee?

Yes, Drop it is $22 a class.

BONUS! First month is $65 for first time attendees!

3. Why is there a fee?

Rest assured the club is NOT making a profit! Whether permanent or substitute, we encourage and support the level of professional education, experience, and teaching our instructors bring to the membership through proper compensation.

4. How do I get involved?

Please send an email to enroll. Your account will be charged each month you either Drop In or attend Monthly, based on your designation. [email protected].

See this article from the Scientific America regarding brain benefits due to yoga. March 1, 2014 Yoga Benefits the brain!

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